We are for homeownership.

Through personal and professional experience our team understands the challenges of attaining homeownership, as well as the well-being it brings once achieved.

We’re a group of technology enthusiasts, real estate insiders, and investors that envision a future where homeownership is more affordable for more people, and a key step in creating greater financial access and inclusion.

Our mission

Our mission is to improve the lives of individuals, families, and communities through access to homeownership

What matters most to us


We aim to remove barriers to homeownership, not add them. We work with you, in the way you want to find, purchase and own a home. Our focus is building the easiest and most affordable path to homeownership that’s available to everyone.

Customer Alignment

We’re your partner in homeownership, and we’re incentivized to win together. Throughout the home purchase, ownership and eventual sale process, we’ve built Crib Equity to succeed when you succeed. We’re working with you at every step to get the most from homeownership.


No surprises. You should know your options, and we believe Crib Equity offers a good one. We’ve made our pricing fully transparent and built a model that allows you to know costs at purchase, during ownership and your future returns.


We know that real estate is a relationships business, and trust is the foundation of any strong relationship. Buying a home is the single biggest investment most of us make, and doing it together means we’re building a lasting and mutually beneficial relationship we can all rely on.

Let's get the home you want

Find out how Crib Equity can help.

Crib Equity is a residential home purchase partner helping homebuyers achieve their home purchase goals by investing alongside them. Crib Equity creates new avenues to homeownership by helping buyers overcome the high upfront costs and obstacles to obtaining a down payment in order to purchase their desired home with a shared equity investment.

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